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Creative Lab

The Creative Lab is a reservable, soundproof room with specialized equipment and software for media creation and editing, analog to digital conversion, and hands-on crafting. 

Who can use the Creative Lab?

Anyone is welcome to use the Creative Lab! All users must have a registration form on file, library cardholders aged 12-17 may use the lab unsupervised with a parental permission form on file, and children 11 and under must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

How do you reserve the Creative Lab?

The Creative Lab can be reserved in person, or by calling the Adult Reference desk at (330) 425-4268 x2. The Creative Lab can be reserved up to a week in advance, patrons must show up within 15 minutes of their reservation or it may be cancelled. 

Are there any time limits for using the Creative Lab?

You may reserve the Creative Lab for a maximum of eight hours per week.

What equipment and software are available in the Creative Lab?

The Creative Lab has equipment for audio-video recording, analog to digital conversion, a MacBook equipped with media creation and editing software, and specialized craft equipment. Library of Things items may also be used in the Creative Lab.

List of Available Equipment

Will someone train me on the equipment?

Users are expected to be familiar with the equipment before reserving time in the Creative Lab.

Available options for training include:

Is there a charge to use the Creative Lab?

While the room is free to use there is a charge for materials. Patrons may supply their own materials except for 3D printer filament. 

Bobbins$0.25 Bobbin
CDs/DVDs$0.25 Disc
Flash Drives$2.50 Drive
Lamination$0.30 Foot or 8.5" X 11" Sheet
Sewing Needles$0.25 Needle
Cricut Vinyl or Transfer Tape$0.50 Sheet
Cardstock$0.25 Sheet
Thread$0.75 Spool

How do I 3D print?

3D Printing is unavailable at this time, we apologize for any inconvenience.